
Sun, Aug 4, 2019

Read in 1 minutes

PhotoMatic is a desktop app (offline) which lets you index and search images using various popular algorithms.

PhotoMatic is an image search engine which let you index and search on your own images offline. This app has no third party dependencies except you have to install a standard Java runtime. We do support JPEG and PNG images at this time.


We got features included but not limited to the following:


PhotoMatic allows you to create a ranked list of results based on some similarity metric along with a low level image features. However, some times you need a filtering or re-ranking process to take place afterwards. Common use cases are if PhotoMatic search is applied to a large database on a fast but not very precise feature (e.g. hashing) and the resulting list has to be re-ranked according to a global feature. Re-ranking can also employ extended analysis method like Latent Semantic Analysis.


#cbir #search #image processing #machine learning #multimedia